It's been quite a while since I updated my post. Maternity started from 17 August but as the days passed, Isaac was still happily enjoying himself in my womb.
24 August was the due date but on that day, there were no symptoms. I thought to myself that Dr Madeleine Tan will probably induce the labour on 26 August during my checkup...
On the morning of 26th August, woke up with a weird feeling. Arrrhhh!!! I realised that I'm spotting which signals the arrival of Isaac soon. Took my time to have a nice shower, packed up and got everything in order then Dear and I headed off to Thomson Medical for my checkup.
Dr Tan, upon realising that I was 2 to 3cm dilated proceeded to burst my waterbag and it was really weird to feel the gush of water. Sat on the wheelchair and was whisked off to the observation ward. Everything was moving along well, but my heart was thumping hard... Excitement and anxiety was filling me, the contractions were also starting but these were really minor.
When I was transferred to the delivery ward, the real pain came this time and the contractions were really starting to be unbearable but everytime a midwife ask me if I wanted an epidural, I'll give her a firm "No". My labour lasted 12 hrs and was glad that I made it without epidural.
The person who suffered a lot that day will be my darling hubby cos I was pretty out of control from the pain and he was so worried. Lucky he's a solid pillar of strength and supported me well throughout my delivery.
At last, precious little Isaac arrived into this world at 11.28pm on 26th August weighing 3.5kg.